Identity Document Reader | Thales
Gemalto – AT10K
Standard 370 DPI image resolution, 3.1 Megapixel sensor , 30 bit RGB colour system
High Resolution 550 DPI option, 10 Megapixel sensor , 36 bit RGB colour system
ePassport (RFID) Option
Reads from and writes to contactless chips and eID according to ISO 14443 (13.56MHz) Type-A and Type-B using a PC/SC interface
ePassport support for ICAO 9303 LDS 1.7 & 1.8 and PKI using included SDK
VIZ Data Capture Option
Additional software can decode the OCR text in the visible zone (HRZ) from identity documents as well as many driving licenses
Optional Add-On Module
Contact smartcard to ISO 7816 Class A and AB (T0/T1)
Fits to right side of reader
Factory fit or customer upgrade
Status Indicators
The readers provide user feedback via the following status indicators. The readers perform a power-up self-test and indicate failure using status LEDs.
Red Cross – Indicates a Read Error
Green Tick - Indicates a Valid Read
Yellow Progress Bar pulsing - Ready to place a new document
Yellow Progress Bar incrementing – Performing a read, keep document still on the glass
Yellow Progress Bar stopped – Document can be removed from
Powered from a single USB port or via universal input external power supply.