Identity Document Reader | Access IS
The ADR100 Photo ID Scanner (ID-1 Size) captures a full-colour image of the ID card together with ultraviolet (UV). This device has been designed for indoor and outdoor use, under all lighting conditions and weather – overcast, bright sun, rain.
Automatically Detected, Cropped and Rotated
When a credit card sized photo ID card is presented to the scanner the photograph on the card is automatically detected, cropped and rotated, allowing both the holder’s portrait and card images to be displayed right-way-up.
Supported Documents
ID-1 (credit card) sized documents supported by the ADR100 include:
All US federal and state issued ID cards, such as driver’s licenses, photo IDs, voter IDs, social security cards, medical ID cards, immigration IDs and resident permits
All North American, European and other national driving licences
All European and other national ID and e-ID cards
EHIC (European Health Insurance Card)
Travel tickets
Full-page: JPG, BMP, TIFF, PNG Illumination sources: visible/white,
UV LED’s * Resolution: 600 DPI